Sunday, June 22, 2014

Technical Difficulties and a once in a lifetime trip :)

After several attempts to fix our old blog,, I gave up and moved our blog over to wordpress, which I really was not happy about. I decided to just start anew and move it back to blogspot, under a new name. Hopefully this will go smoothly! I have a lot to catch up on, so bear with me as I give a rundown of the last year or so.

We found out in February that we were going to have to leave the island because we have been here for 5 years, and the government likes to make up rules that adversely affects the efficiency of a well running program, and disrupts peoples lives.  So we have been in 'waiting for the other shoe to drop' mode ever since. Jared has applied for jobs, and we have applied to stay here. We'll see. It's frustrating, but at the same time, we can't do anymore than we have already done so now it's just a waiting game.

Because of the surprise announcement that we would be leaving, we weren't granted our RAT travel that we were counting on. We had a family reunion planned with the Fryars and were extremely disappointed.
Jared found a class he could take in the states and Porter and Emi earned money for a plane ticket so we were able to send three of them. Porter and Emi are headed for EFY this next week. I think they are pretty excited!

Last month Jared and I took a trip to his old mission area. We had such a great time! We started in Kyoto and went to some shrines. My favorite was Fushimi Inari-taisha. It's thousands of Tori gates all lined up the mountain. It was absolutely beautiful weather and the day was just about perfect. 

We then went to Kanazawa and visited the branch where Jared began and ended his mission.  The night we arrived our friend Yoko picked us up at the airport and she and her husband Hiro took us to a famous gyoza restaurant that Jared has been talking about for 20 years!

Hiro and Yoko


After church on Sunday we visited Kenrokuen Gardens. The flowers there reminded me so much of my Mom and my Grandma. I wish they could have seen them.

The next day Jared and I headed to Osaka and Universal Studios ALL. BY. OURSELVES. It was so much fun! We rode a very scary rollercoaster, took silly pictures, and had an absolute blast. Halfway thru the day it started pouring, but we didn't let that stop us! We donned our ponchos and tried to hit every attraction at the park.

How the Japanese do breakfast. Egg Salad with wasabi and tomato.

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